Angel Readings
The sacred whisper you’ve been aching for.

You are a spiritual being in physical form.
When you lean into the truth of that, everything changes.
Life becomes a little softer; a little more easeful.
The recognition that life is happening FOR you rather than TO you starts to infuse its way into daily life. As a result, you find yourself trusting your intuition a little more; and moving from your heart and soul rather than from your head. Because, here’s the thing- our head will always encourage us to play small and stay safe.But our soul- well, that’s encouraging us to fly!
The divine light of Spirit is always here to support us, and when we recognise that we are not walking this path alone, there is such comfort and reassurance to be found. We get to soften even deeper into our experience of our reality.
The Universe has been trying to speak to you, and there is no better way to hear its message.
Angel Readings
Divine downloads from your support team.
Getting a message from your angels is about Universal wisdom and energy flowing to you, telling you exactly what you need to hear in the moment that it finds you.
Designed to uplift, empower and move you towards your highest self.
You have a team of high-frequency blissful beings watching over you and protecting you. But sometimes, modern life and the clutter in our minds mean that we lose the ability to tune in to the wisdom that they’re trying to send our way.
Angel readings allow you to get out of your own way and listen to what they’re trying to say.
The angels will help you access your highest path. They will validate your experiences. They will help you see what’s needed most right now for you to expand and soften.
Do I need to act quickly or do I need a quiet pause? What am I missing here? What are my next steps?
The process is about trusting, releasing, and surrendering to the divine. And the outcome is pretty amazing...
Angel messages are a personalised, customised, just-for-you-ified divine download.
When you book an angel reading with me, you’re getting the full force of my heart and soul, as well as the wisdom and insights that the angels have to offer, as I channel your messages related to your highest timeline.
Angel messages are never fearful, judgemental or limiting. They’re light beings. Of the highest vibration. They serve the divine.
Angel messages are like an invitation. For you to remember the wonder of who you are, the magic that surrounds you, and the beauty available to you at all times.
You are always connected, safe and held by the divine.
Think of me as your cosmic conduit. I want to help you see, hear and feel the messages intended for you.
The truth you’re seeking can be found in the messages from your angels.

How it works —
Ready to meet your angels?
Book your Angel Reading session
Select your reading style
Live Zoom Angel Reading
You and I will get on a Zoom call and I’ll channel the angels live.Voice Recording
This is the same process as a live zoom- I open a channel and receive messages for you from your angelic team, as well as receive answers to your questions. I will record this transmission as a voice recording and send this to you via email.
How much support would you like?
60 minutes = $122 AUD
Would you like ongoing support? = $464 for a package of four sessions
Book now and brace yourself for the love-laden wisdom of your angelic support team.

Stop, drop in, and listen.
You are inherently magical. Spiritual. Connected to the divine.
It’s your birthright. You can’t wake up one day and it disappears. But modern life and our monkey minds mean that we lose the ability to tune in to the wisdom that our angels are trying to send our way.
If you are seeking, searching, and struggling for a sign that you’re on the right track, this is for you.
If you are aching for some divine wisdom on that problem that’s been bugging you for months now, this is for you.
And if you love your electric insights served with a hefty dose of heart-fuelled love.
FAQ’s —
What are angels?
Angels are high-frequency light beings who’re here to serve the light (God/Source/Infinite One Creator) and assist humanity to rise and ascend. They’re beings of love and light who communicate with us through energy, meaning we’ll sense their presence (clairsentience), hear their words internally (clairaudience), have a ‘knowing’ drop in (claircognizance), or see visions or pictures in our mind’s eye (clairvoyance).
Angels don’t take human form. Instead, they have an energy field and aura.
Guardian angels (yes we all have guardian angels who’ve been with us our whole lives), and Archangels present slightly differently.
Our Guardian angels are our own personal support team and cheer squad, while Archangels have a higher frequency and assist all of humanity through their specific themes of support.
There are a number of specific Archangels assisting us now.
Why angel readings and what can I expect from a reading?
Our angels have a bird’s eye view of our lives and have been with us from before we incarnated. This means that sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves and can see the broader perspective on many elements in our lives.
They know our life’s purpose and our greater mission, and they’re here to help us step into the highest version of ourselves.
With all angel readings, we start with connecting to the Angels. First, you’ll receive initial messages from your Angels, who’ll present specific themes that are in your highest interest to hear.
Then, I’ll channel answers to any questions you have.
One of the most joyous elements of an angel reading is they’re so layered. Often the initial messages will deepen as we dive into your questions. Remember that angels respect your free will, so once they know they have permission from you in the form of a question, the answers received can really deepen and expand, taking you on a journey.
I’m not religious. Can I still connect with my angels?
Angels are not religious and they’re here to assist humanity move through our journey as humans. Angels are available for everyone, regardless of religious beliefs.
We all have angels and we can all access the powerful information they want to share with us.
Can angels predict the future?
Angels assist us to ascend which means they assist us in moving towards our highest timeline. They assist us moving through karmic patterns, triggers and blocks, to continue to move towards a space where we can feel open, connected, loving.
Angels can share probable timelines with us, but because we have free will, these timelines are never set in stone. Sometimes, in asking a question, the angels will ask you to reframe the question to be in your highest alignment, so that it opens up a new perspective for you, or a key to unlock a new pathway.
Why can you connect to the angels but I can’t?
We can all connect with the loving guidance of our angelic support team. However, sometimes it’s hard to get a clear read on messages for ourselves. Sometimes we bring our own attachment, ideas and biases to the situation, making it hard to be detached from the outcome. Sometimes we also don’t trust the messages we are receiving.
An angel reading will help you begin to tune in further to the angelic messages that are around you all the time - in a synchronicity, in an unexpected event, in the messages from the natural world, even in song lyrics.
I’m here to help assist you to decode these messages and see the vast amount of support we all have around us all the time
What if they tell me something I don’t want to hear?
Angel readings are empowering. They’re never fear based.
Angels will present messages in a loving and compassionate way. If they ever present a hard-truth, they will frame it in a way that still feels loving and heart-centred.
Angel messages are not about giving away your power to someone else, and being fearful of hearing messages you don’t want to receive. They’re also not about asking for the lotto numbers and bypassing your way through life. Instead, they’re about collaborating with universal light to supercharge your own life, to gently course-correct where needed, and to set yourself up to live the most abundant, highest timeline of the life you are here to live.