Hey! I’m Kathryn
I’m a yoga teacher, angel messenger and psychic medium. I’m a wife, mother, daughter, and sister. And I’m unequivocally human.
Which means that sometimes I feel the wobble. I get unsteady. And anxiety makes an appearance from time to time.
Today, anxiety is my body’s warning sign, letting me know when I’m run down, overbooked, and not giving myself enough care. But that wasn’t always the case.
During my decade-long career as a private practice physiotherapist, anxiety led me to seek out vedic meditation training.
Was I scared of attending my first meditation course? Absolutely I was.

Questions ran through my mind.
What would I uncover?
What would it mean for me?
How would it change my life?
Change is scary at the best of times. But couple that change with an inner whisper that you know there’s something you’ve been actively trying to ignore. It’s terrifying.
Still, I persisted.
I showed up to the meditation training because that whisper got louder and louder.
My intuition was practically screaming to be heard. It was undeniable.
We all get to a point where the truth of who you are becomes bigger than any excuse that tries to get in your way.
That was the beginning of my journey of coming home to the self, but it wasn’t until deep in the depths of motherhood - of falling pregnant, birthing, and becoming a mum - that I saw these pivotal moments as the moments that shaped me.
My husband and I met at the age of 23, so we’ve lived a lot of life together and grown together.
Our marriage is one of the things I’m most proud of, especially navigating expat life in Thailand and having two thirds of our babies there.
I’m mum to Lily (7), Henry (5) and Luca (3). We also have a west highland terrier Frankie, who was our baby before our babies.
My children are my greatest mirror and my greatest gift.
My voice has become stronger and bolder and my vision clearer as a result of them in my life. And my life has become a whole lot more fun (read: messier) too.
On the outside, my daily life with three small kids at home looks like a circus.
Behind the scenes, it’s an intricate dance between recognising my triggers, surrendering and accepting, as well as constantly coming back to simplicity, connection, nature and the breath.
From Physiotherapist to Spiritual Medium
While I’ve always had my intuition quietly tapping on my heart throughout my adult life, it wasn’t until I attended vedic meditation training in 2015 that my world cracked open and the light poured in. I felt like I could finally breathe.
Meditation was the gateway that swiftly turned into yoga teaching. I leaned in like I was holding pigeon pose. Learning how to let go, soften, and surrender even when I didn’t want to.
And then motherhood came.
On a soul level, I was experiencing an energetic and spiritual activation. And so began the journey of coming home to myself.
In 2020, my spiritual activation accelerated and I started a personal quest to begin communicating with angelic support and universal guidance.
After the sudden death of my sister in early 2021, this process amplified and expanded, and I sought specific training to help me hone my skills.
Now I tap into this higher universal Spirit to bring messages through for others, and to help support and guide them in their lives.
Through my 1:1 readings, my courses, and of sharing the gift of yoga, I help people uplevel their lives and live the magic.

Live the magic.
Now, my days are surrounded by beauty.
It’s a vibration. An energy. A practice. A way of life.
And it’s around you, surrounding you. Humming through the cells of our body.
It’s in the food you eat, the view outside of your window, the choices you make. It’s in your self-care practices and your rituals.
It’s evident in the beautiful ceramic cups and teapot that I bought from Thailand which I use to sip my morning hot drink, an important daily ritual which grounds me.
It’s evident in the artwork centrepiece in our living room, fresh flowers from the garden sitting on our dining table and the sun streaming through stained glass windows in my home.
It’s evident in me as I move in my body through yoga, with essential oils in the diffuser, and connection to my angelic support team on tap.
I’m lit up and living the magic every day.
It’s time you lived your magic. And I can help.